Renting Secondary Dwellings 'Granny Flats' in Queensland - Property Lawyers

Renting Secondary Dwellings ‘Granny Flats’ in Queensland

Changes in Queensland legislation came into effect 26 September 2022. The changes made emergency allowances to combat the rental crisis and mean that eligible secondary dwellings will be able to be rented to non-family members. Prior to this…
Property law bill - Arrow White Property Lawyers

Property Law Bill

Exciting times are ahead for Queensland property buyers with the Queensland Parliament introducing new legislation to modernise property laws with contemporary language to better reflect current commercial practice.  The Property Law Bill…
Joint Tenants vs Tenants in common - Arrow White Blog

Joint Tenants vs Tenants in Common

Joint Tenants are joint property owners. This means that when one owner passes away the property ownership will automatically be assumed by the surviving owner. Tenants in Common is a share in a property. There can be…