The Top 5 Characteristics of High-Quality Australian Litigators

What makes a Quality Australian Litigator? Is it simply intellect and effective writing? Although those are important qualities and attributes to possess, a good litigator is required to have numerous valuable skills. The following 5 skills will assist in evaluating what traits a good litigator must possess, and what will set them above the rest in the profession.

1. Communication

The ability to not only communicate effectively with your client, but colleagues in the legal profession is imperative. A Great Litigator is an individual who can understand the merits of a 20-minute conversation, communicate, and then proceed with the best way moving forward for the client. The skill of communication requires the capability to essentially manage people. Litigators are required to work with people, on behalf of people and the outcomes of their work affect people’s lives. Therefore, litigators must be able to be personable and affable. These characteristics, in turn, allow litigators to able to clearly understand what their clients have communicated their wants to be and to effectively communicate to the client what their options are and what the litigator will be undertaking on their behalf.

2. Confidence

Litigation Lawyers are required to think quickly and must be able to react to situations such as settlement conferences, and court hearings, swiftly. These challenging on-the-spot situations require good litigators to have an immense level of professional confidence. A good litigator will exude a professional amount of confidence drawn from years of experience and technical expertise in the litigation field.

Whilst it is important that a litigator will be confident with their decisions and advice, it is important that they complement t equal sense of compassion and but having a degree of personal confidence will help to facilitate understanding, which fundamentally puts the clients at ease. Not only is professional confidence crucial, you to become a good litigator.

3. Civility

The ability to approach a matter with compassion, respect, and the intention to negotiate as opposed to being unnecessarily aggressive, will create a more beneficial solution for your client. Overly aggressive lawyers likely do not possess problem-solving skills and thus are incapable of reaching an effective solution for their clients. If the intention is to settle outside of court, which will likely cost the client less, antagonizing the other side will not be a fruitful venture, and will likely sour things. A word of caution is that being belligerent and lacking respect, not only will damage your client’s case, but also will damage your interpersonal relationships with other colleagues in the legal profession.

“You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar”

4. Organisation

Being a litigator can be very demanding, with several meetings with clients daily, phone calls, paperwork, and multiple court proceedings, therefore, being organised is a necessity. Becoming a Great Litigator in Australia will depend on your level of organisation, if you’re organised, not only will this create a sense of aid for yourself, but it will also have a positive effect on the client.

5. Perseverance

Success is achieved with perseverance. A good litigator will have resilience even when they are faced with adversity. The ability to keep negotiating and fighting for your client is what will set you on a standard above the rest.

Individuals and companies can find themselves in a confusing or complicated situation, where a reliable legal professional can make all the difference. At Arrow White, we are a team of dedicated and experienced litigation lawyers, who will advocate and provide assistance with every step of the way.

Disclaimer: This publication is intended for general and informative use only and is not to be relied upon as professional financial or legal advice.

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